Spread the Love-a-thon!  2010


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for teens 15 – 19 years old in Kentucky, and it’s TOTALLY PREVENTABLE!

The goal of the Spread The Love-a-thon is not only to raise money to support Stop Youth Suicide’s outreach programs, but also to raise awareness about youth mental health.  One of the primary causes of depression and suicide is feeling disconnected from others.  These feelings may become more pronounced during the holidays, particularly Valentine’s Day, which is supposedly all about love. 

The problem with Valentine’s Day is the focus on commercialized, romantic love (which we all know can exacerbate depression!) instead of platonic or familial love (which boosts mental health); through the Spread The Love-a-thon, we hope to spread the latter.

Prior to the event, participants will be encouraged to seek sponsorship from friends and family who pledge to donate a certain amount per lifeline made.  One-time donations are welcome, as well.  Prizes will be awarded to the students who best embody the spirit of the event, and a FLAT SCREEN TV will be awarded to the student who raises the most money!

We hope that when participants explain what they are doing, lifeline recipients might be inspired to reach out to their loved ones, who may then reach out to their loved ones, and so on.  We anticipate that the participants will come away from the Spread The Love-a-thon with the feeling that they brightened peoples’ day and spread awareness about youth suicide and the importance of mental health.  Spread the Love, Save a Life! :)